Family Giving Tree


We have loved celebrating Christmas with our neighbors at We Will Learn and We Will Hoop this past month! I'm so thankful for all of you who have prayed and supported our efforts to provide gifts to all of our WWL students and WWH guys. Together we were able to give out 70 gifts as well as the opportunity for our WWL students to shop at our Family Giving Tree!

The Family Giving Tree is a new tradition here at We Will Go. It gives students the opportunity to shop for Christmas gifts for their families. This has been one of the things that our students and volunteers have looked forward to the most! The gifts ranged from candles to toy trains! For most of our kids, it was their first time to 'shop for' and wrap gifts. For some kids it was really exciting to get to shop! For some, the choices were a bit overwhelming. For some, the thought of shopping for certain family members (that they might not have the best relationship with) was quite the challenge. Overall, I was really thankful for the Family Giving Tree and the experience it brought all of us. I was really thankful for the volunteers who helped the students shop and the ones who stopped and prayed throughout the process. It is a privilege for us to have to have the opportunity to teach the kids that it is better to give than receive. The Family Giving Tree is a valuable part of this lesson.

What we have here is special. Thank you for believing and praying with us over this past year and Christmas season. Please join us as we pray into the upcoming year!


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