Giving Back With Engage JXN


We are often faced with the question of 'How does your life match your beliefs?' Or have people who are interested in making service and missions more of a part of their lives who are looking for clarity in what God has called them to. Engage JXN is an immersive experience of how your faith applies in every area of life. This experience will strengthen your faith, encourage you among other believers and give you a chance to have hands-on ministry opportunities to serve Jesus on a daily basis.

One of the unique aspects of Engage JXN is the practical side of the program. Not only will those enrolled be assisting with our Essentials, Education, and other programs, but they will be living in the community they are serving. This direct approach makes the neighbors you interact with and the issues you’re helping with an everyday part of your life.

Engage JXN will also be a mix of practically giving back to the community as well as learning. We Will Go has partnered with Wesley Biblical Seminary to offer a weekly class to go alongside the day to day service in Jackson. Engage JXN also provides community within the program with weekly meals together, fellowship, and weekly Bible study. The program runs from August 16 - December 17, 2021 and will have another section offered in the spring. College students or post college graduates that have a desire to learn and engage with their faith are encouraged to apply. Engage JXN hopes to encourage you to seek Jesus in all that you do.


The Start of a New Semester


Helping the Needs In Our Community