Receiving More Than You Give


With the food ministry, the group you might not see that is impacted is our volunteers. We have worked very hard to create opportunities for all types of volunteers from families to groups to individuals. Often they come believing they will be solving a problem with a neighbor but leave having encountered Christ. Recently, a mom came to volunteer and was grateful for a space where she and her children could serve together and learn about giving back. We also had a local business send its employees and they were excited to be able to give back to the community they work in. A common phrase we hear from volunteers is that they came to give to others but received more than they gave.

Last month, we had a man sign up to come and volunteer on a weekly basis. He was overwhelmed with where he was in life. With family issues, work stress, and kids in school, his pastor encouraged his congregation to go out and get involved. He found We Will Go and now comes monthly. Grateful for the opportunity to connect with neighbors who are going through similar struggles as him, volunteering has become a way for him to share and serve more. The Lord has encouraged him that he can make it through whatever he is facing and in turn, share that with those who come through our Essentials program.

Not all of our volunteers come weekly. We have groups from all across the country sign up and people who can only come for one day. The experiences they have are special in that every week we have new faces coming through our doors and new programs for people to plug into. Our Essentials program, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 to 11am and the second Saturday of each month, offers a look into the struggles of some in our community. In 2021, we have given groceries to 5000 people and want to assist 10,000 this year. We are excited for the future where we can feed more families and connect with more volunteers.


Practical Faith Through Engage Jxn


The Start of a New Semester