Mixing Missions with Life


Every week, we have volunteers, long term staff, and neighbors walk through our doors, wanting to get involved with our programs. Some want a small commitment of a single donation or volunteer opportunity while others choose to engage on an everyday basis. What about those who want something in between? College students who are finishing their degree or families who have jobs but want to be more than a one time volunteer also want to join in despite their past commitments. Ruth Alexander, Director of Internships at We Will Go speaks about the Residency program. “The program is for everyone who has a job, school work, or other commitments who still want to serve their community weekly.” The Residency Program is a 6 month commitment that can start any time of the year. With times to serve across all three program areas, one serve Saturday a month, and every other serve Sunday, residency is a way to live in the community you are serving.

Ruth spoke more on the flexible schedule for those interested. “Residents will be plugged into a program area at We Will Go. Depending on your schedule and when you’re able, you’ll fit into one of our program times to help out!” From our Education, Employment, and Essential Food areas, there are many ways to get involved. Residency is for people who want to commit to having an even bigger impact on their city.

Residency brings missions and normal life together in a simple way. “It’s a program where people can continue to pursue their education, career opportunities, and life while learning to open your door and share with your neighbor. Residency gives the opportunity to see just how simple the Gospel is,” Ruth states. Figuring out how to love your neighbor through giving food, tutoring a child, or sharing with someone who might knock on your door doesn’t have to be complicated. Learning to do those things daily is something We Will Go’s Residency program offers.


The Story of We Will Go Ministries


Small Change Has a Large Impact