Small Change Has a Large Impact


When the forecast called for small flurries and snow, our city was excited for a snow day. As it quickly turned into a week with no power, burst pipes, and the inability to leave home, many began to panic at the thought of no food and no heat. Sitting at the front of our building frantically calling each of our families, Olivia Hamilton, the Director of our Food Essentials Program spoke about the crisis. “The biggest thing that I was surprised by with the bad weather was that people reached out to us to say that they were willing to walk to us to receive food. I realized that in our community, food insecurity was a bigger threat than snow and ice.”

We had so many people walk from literally miles away because they needed essentials like bread, vegetables, and dry food. “At a time where almost every store and organization was closed, a lot of our neighbors were relieved that we were one of the few places that remained open,” Ms. Hamilton goes on to say. And our neighbors weren’t the only ones stuck in the snow. Our staff walked from their homes just so that we could open the doors and help the few neighbors that managed to make it.

What did this icy week highlight as an issue in Jackson? “This crisis showed how important having a backstock of food really is to our community. That's been the hardest part for us. We haven’t been able to drive to get more supplies to help those who are coming. Having food at the ready would potentially help ensure that in the future, there is always enough food for anyone who comes,” Olivia states.

We have also had people reach out to see how they can help during these trying times. In speaking on different opportunities, Ms. Hamilton highlights a few. “People can always financially contribute to the food pantry by sponsoring a family or buying canned goods for our shelves. We always need volunteers when it comes to sorting and making up bags as well as with our food distribution.” There is also a new day for involvement in the coming months. Starting on March 13, 2021, the second Saturday of each month, we are going to add a third distribution day for those who need it. The day is specifically geared towards volunteers and neighbors who cannot come during the week but still would like to get involved or receive food donations. From 8:30am-12:30pm, people can sign up to receive food and volunteers can come to help with distribution on those Saturdays.


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